Gebratene Hühnerfilets vom Blech nach Pelzmann Art, gewürzt mit Kräutern und garniert mit original Pelzmann Avocadoöl, umgeben von gebackenen Kartoffeln, Karotten und roten Zwiebeln, serviert auf einem weißen Teller.




4 chicken fillets
75 ml Pelzmann avocado oil
1.5 heaped tsp. Cuban spice mix
Juice of one lemon
1 tbsp. honey
Salt & pepper
1 small chilli (optional)
2 large, alternatively 4 small shallots
500 g potatoes
4-6 carrots, swede
1 red bell pepper
1 lemon
Plenty of thyme
1 avocado (optional – for serving)

Wash, clean and pat the chicken breasts dry. Mix half the avocado oil with the spice mixture, lemon juice, honey and salt and pepper. Add the chilli for some heat, if you like. Mix the chicken fillets with the spiced avocado oil mixture and leave to marinate. Preheat the fan oven to 175 °C.


Peel the shallots and slice them into halves or quarters depending on their size. Cut the potatoes into quarters or eighths depending on their size. Peel and clean the carrots and swede and slice into bite-sized pieces. Wash and clean the peppers and slice them into bite-sized pieces. Mix the vegetables with the remaining oil. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Cut the lemon into slices. Place the vegetables and chicken fillets on a tray or in a baking dish, add fresh thyme and lemon slices.

Gemüse und Hühnerfilets auf ein Blech oder in eine Backform geben, frischen Thymian und Zitronenscheiben dazugeben.


Bake in a preheated fan oven at 175 °C for 40-45 minutes. Serve immediately while still hot. A spicy salsa goes well with this. To make one, dice the peppers and tomatoes very finely. Season to taste with avocado oil, chilli, salt and pepper.


TIP: The longer the chicken fillets are marinated, the more intense the flavour.

Content: 0.25 Liter (27.96 / 1 Liter)

Avocado Oil 0.25l

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