Edelstahltopf mit Pelzmann steirischer Kürbiscremesuppe, verziert mit Kürbiskernöl, auf einem Holzbrett und Stoffserviette. Dahinter gestapelte weiße Schüsseln.


700 g pumpkin (squash)
1 onion
2 tbsp. butter
1 tsp. ground paprika
750 ml vegetable stock
125 ml orange juice
1/8 l cream
Salt, pepper
Ground cumin
1 red bell pepper
2 tbsp. Pelzmann’s pumpkin seed oil

Dice squash. Finely chop onion and sauté in butter together with squash cubes. Add ground paprika and pour in stock and orange juice.

Season with salt, pepper and cumin. Simmer gently on low heat until the squash is soft, approx. 15 mins. Work in cream, purée soup in blender and season to taste.

Serve soup in bowls, sprinkle with thin bell pepper strips and finish off with Pelzmann pumpkin seed oil.

W I T H  T H I N  S L I C E S  O F  C H I C K E N  B R E A S T: 

After 10 minutes, add two finely sliced chicken breast fillets and let simmer for about 5 mins. Garnish with chilli stripes and finish off with Pelzmann’s pumpkin seed oil.

W I T H  E X O T I C  T O F U: 

Simmer for 10 mins. and add 500 g of diced tofu. Then heat soup very slowly to avoid the tofu falling apart. Sprinkle with chilli and finely sliced spring onions. Serve soup in bowls and finish off with Pelzmann’s pumpkin seed oil.


W I T H  F R E S H  G A R D E N  H E R B S:

Before serving, sprinkle soup with a mix of 10 g of chopped mint leaves, 10 g of fresh coriander, 3 chopped spring onions and stripes of one chilli with seeds removed. Serve in bowls.

Content: 0.5 Liter (25.98 / 1 Liter)

Pumpkin Seed Oil 0.5l

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